Find Success With The Community Services Worker Program
October 28th, 2015 / By triOS College
Doctors and psychologists work in institutions, somewhat far removed from the troubles of day-to-day life. Even nurses are in short supply relative to their demand. That’s why Canada needs community service workers now more than ever. They bridge the gap between institutions that offer help and the people outside of them who need help in their everyday lives. The future of healthcare simply does not exist without community service workers.

Community service workers must be versatile due to the fact that their responsibilities can vary dramatically based on the location, supervisor, and the needs of the clients they serve.
What Do Community Service Workers Do
Community service workers wear many hats in their jobs. Their responsibilities can vary pretty dramatically depending on locations, supervisors, and the needs of those they serve. “Versatility” best describes these professionals—and they need to be versatile, because it is not a monotonous job! As a service worker you will work under the professional supervision of all kinds of professionals; nurses, psychologists, social workers, and addiction workers are among the most common specialized professionals that need service workers to be where they cannot.
Community service workers do a lot on the ground level where the specialized, institutional supervisors cannot be. They determine eligibility for healthcare and welfare programs; they provide counselling strategies and solutions regarding childcare; they aid those with physical and mental disabilities, and they help sufferers of drug and substance abuse. Service workers also direct people to the most appropriate institutions based on their needs, location, and accessibility.
What Do Community Service Workers Learn
You’ll learn quite a lot in our program! You have to learn if you’re going to help people with their individual problems on a daily basis! The program consists of many elements that touch on a variety of health-related fields, as well as the social sciences. The program begins with an overview of the community services field in Canada and demographic groups that tend to sit at risk of some kind of harm, and then dives into the real issues and challenges in the field.
You get to learn about family dynamics in modern Canada, and how to work with them to solve health and social problems. That unit segues into the basics of sociology so that you understand the theory behind daily interactions with families and individuals. Criminology and addiction work feature in the program to equip you with the ability to guide people away from those paths, as do group work and human relations. We all co-exist in the same communities, after all.
Psychology features heavily in the Community Service Worker program because so many issues in that line of work take root in how the mind copes with external stimuli. Every student gets an introduction to psychology, mental health, and developmental psychology. You need to understand how the mind deals with problematic environments, substances, and relationships to help individuals work through those problems. Counselling and non-violent crisis intervention rounds out the program to teach students how to impart their knowledge and coping strategies to those who need it the most.
Let’s Get Started
If you enjoy helping others and interacting with people every day, then we want to hear from you. Canada needs professional community service workers, and triOS wants to put driven people in positions to help the population. Call us to find out the nearest program start date!
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