Grad Explains How triOS’ Police Foundations Helped Him
November 23rd, 2021
Before I even thought about attending triOS College, I was working for Copper Mountain Corporation. Working on large machinery in the mining industry was all I did since high school. Quitting this profession only seemed right after my wife and I starting having kids, being away from all of them 7 weeks at a time was too hard for me. After we had our 2 boys, we also started fostering my two nephews — which in time turned into a permanent custody. My wife and I moved from our home in British Columbia and travelled over to London, Ontario in November 2018.

triOS College’s Police Foundations program can prepare you for a law enforcement career in 1 year.
Once we settled, I started looking for something new in my life. Since I have always been interested in law enforcement, I began to have meetings at different colleges for a Police Foundations program. Out of the colleges I looked into, triOS was clearly the only one for me. Having the course lasting for 1 year instead of 2 was a huge benefit for myself and my family. Also, the fact that the instructor had been a police officer for almost 30 years made triOS an easy choice for me.
My experience in the Police Foundations classroom had been far greater than I ever expected! I never found it hard to come to class because my instructor always had a new way of teaching and keeping everyone up to speed. Most days had a massive amount of information but was accompanied by true life experiences that would always keep us intrigued and fascinated. Overall training, teachings from the book and in person, and field trips to OPC and proper roadside stops by police gave me more life training for my jobs now and any career I want in law enforcement.
I am currently a mobile supervisor and junior operations coordinator for GardaWorld Protective Services here in London and have only received these titles due to the outstanding efforts and foundational training I received from the Police Foundations at triOS College. Knowing the Provincial Offences Acts in Ontario and properly understanding the Use of Force Model, I have been the most prepared I could, thus helping me with three promotions in the largest security company in the world.
Since graduating, I have recommended this course and school to anyone who wants to work in any aspect of law and law enforcement. No one can train you better in such a short time. The relationships you will build are bound for life, and I truly believe that this Police Foundations course is second to none. Anyone can attend a Police Foundations course, but if you want to join a community that truly understands your needs, maintains a professional and friendly approach to every aspect of policing, cares about academics and on-the-job field training — only Police Foundations at triOS College can do that for you.
Click to visit the Police Foundations and Security Program page for more information!