Information Technology Programs: The Competitive Advantage They Have
July 9th, 2015 / By triOS College
What is the big deal? Is there any real competitive advantage to Information Technology programs? According to sites such as Workopolis and Global News, jobs in the IT field are not only in demand now, but they will continue to be in the future.
Why Information Technology Programs Are Important
This demand is not limited to a localized area. It has been occurring across the country. It is a field that also spans just about every industry and business. IT doesn’t only encompass computers and cell phones that require IT know-how. Just about every new machine, gizmo, or vehicle has a processor or computer chip somewhere in the system, and they all need people who know how to program, troubleshoot, and repair them.
The biggest competitive advantage of Information Technology programs is that they provide an education in a professional field with high demand. They give practical, hands-on teaching that directly relates to the work the student will be doing once they land a job.
One of the biggest delusions of students graduating from high school today is the idea that they can make money doing absolutely anything they want.
The reality is that in order to make a living doing anything, there has to be a demand for the product, service, or expertise being offered. The demand for some jobs can vary from region to region. Demand is also determined by a combination of numerous socio-economic factors at work in that region.
The ethereal golden ticket is a job that’s in demand everywhere. This gives the job seeker a wide variety of municipalities to choose from when it comes to choosing a place to live and a place to work.
Some people really might not like to commute, so their domiciles tend to be tied to their job locations. If the job in question is in demand everywhere, then they may still be able to have their choice of hometowns.
The other benefit of working in a high-demand field is simply dollars and sense: it makes sense that employers will be willing to pay more dollars to attract employees to the hard-to-fill positions.
According to research conducted by Forbes, income is not the only factor to determine job satisfaction. There are other factors, both external and internal, that come into play.
However, the Economist reports on studies that suggest income can be correlated to overall happiness and contentment with life, to a point. Higher income earners have less potential stress from the cost of day to day living, as well as those emergencies that pop up from time to time.
Let’s Get Started
What is the competitive advantage of IT programs? They provide a practical education for a job field in demand—One that will allow the graduates to open many doors and reside in almost any location they choose.
Click to learn more about the Technology programs offered at triOS!